Rebooting Your Mindset

Systems Thinking and a New Poddie Chapter

The Potential Psychology Podcast is back.

Black over ear headphones on a red background

Regular listeners would know that in 2023 I published very few podcast episodes, because life and all of the messy ‘middle-ness’ that I was feeling, which may have been a post-pandemic adjustment situation or may have been something else, meant that I didn’t find the time or the focus for podcasting. 

There was something else at play too. After five years and over 100 episodes, almost entirely interviews with experts in being human and human experience, I felt the poddie needed a little refresh. It took a long time to figure out what that refresh was going to look like. I had to be patient and muddle through and wait for the ideas to form, such is the nature of creative pursuits.

Now we’re back with a new format, exploring renewal, change, creating new behaviours and fulfilling our potential - as individuals, and as members of bigger systems like work teams, organisations, families and communities.


Beacuse it's the systems that we function in day to day that have a huge influence on us when it comes to making changes, achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential.  

To quote John Donne from 1624…

‘No man is an island, entire of itself: every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.’ 

Yet we rarely look at life that way. 

In this episode of the show:

  • I introduce systems thinking as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth and development.

  • I share a worksheet and an example to help you start applying systems thinking in your life.

  • I explore the reasons for pivoting the podcast towards systems thinking - at least for a while.

You can listen here, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever else you listen to your podcasts 🎧

Onwards and upwards!


A Victorian Accent?